First Friday Make an Offer Day

Vintage Posters Movie Film Sports Historical Memorabilia Collectibles For Sale

First Friday Make an Offer Day

What is Make an Offer First Friday?

Fifteen Years ago we had our first Make an Offer Day (MOD) on April 1st, April Fools Day, a special day when Everyone can submit offers on any item on our website. We didn't anticipate how popular it would turn out to be. But, after 14 years we decided to retire the Annual April Fools Make an Offer Day

Then this Summer we introduced the First Friday Make an Offer Day. And the feedback we receied was so positive we decided to make it a monthly special event

Here's how Make an Offer Day works:
You see an item you would love to add to your collection (or buy for that special person) and you make an offer. It is not a bidding setup. Instead, just send the offer via email ( or from the product descripton page "MAKE AN OFFER" button or Contact Us link at the top of the website. Also, recent website upgrade includes the new "MAKE AN OFFER" button for each item, making it easier to send offers for single items.. (But, if making multiple offers, it is best to include all in one email)

For example, an item priced at $1000, and you want to offer $900. Just email the item(s) description and the offer amount (or just click the Make Offer button). We will respond with either accepting the offer or making a counter-offer. It’s that simple. No stressful annoying bidding wars, no sniping, no 30% auction premiums and No $75-100 shipping fees added to your purchase. And NO SHILL BIDDING to fraudulently raise your bid and price you pay (as some auction houses have been suspected of over the years) .. Just an offer , acceptance and out for delivery within 48 hours.

PLUS RISK FREE! With us you don’t have to worry about the “You buy it you own it - No Returns” treatment you get at the auction houses or other dealers. If you are not satisfied for example with the condition of your prized historical treasure, just send it back within five days for a full refund. AND, Everything we sell, is Guaranteed Authentic for Life! (* Try and find an auction house that will refund your item that fails professional certification a year or several years after you buy from them, like we would....forget it!).

Note: For the Featured Items, don't wait too long as they are the first to go.. And if you look in our Featured Category you will see the kind of Museum-Quality historical treasures we have obtained for the exclusive collector, home decor savvy and/or noble gift buyer.